Developing an eco friendly home doesn’t have to be a daunting task. In fact, there are several easy and instant upgrades that can help you seamlessly integrate ecologically responsible elevations into your living space. Here’s a list of eight of the most effective, and stress-free, changes that will assist you in creating a greener household.
1. Switch to LED Lights.
LED lights are an amazing, seamless, eco-friendly upgrade. Although the initial cost of the LED light bulb may be more expensive than a traditional incandescent bulb, LED lights last longer and are more energy efficient, meaning less waste over time in both materials and electricity. Best of all, this upgrade can be integrated into your lifestyle every time you need to replace a burnt-out bulb.
2. Use Curtains and Blinds.
This is a decorative solution that can impact your home’s efficiency. Windows allow a substantial amount of hot and cold air to escape requiring less insulation for your home.. By keeping blinds down in the summer, you can keep your space cool and reduce the amount of energy you use on a cooling device, such as a fan or air conditioning.
3. Get a Low-Flow Showerhead.
Although this upgrade may offer a less satisfying shower, it saves gallons of water on each use. These showerheads come in a variety of different styles and work by restricting water flow. If upgrading to low-flow is for you, make sure to select a showerhead that still has decent pressure, so you don’t regret reducing your water and energy usage.
4. Install a Water Filter
Stop buying plastic water bottles and install a reverse osmosis water filter on your sink so you can enjoy clean, great tasting water at any time, without the added waste of all that plastic packaging.
5. Home Brew
Make your morning coffee at home and use less paper and plastic by avoiding the disposable coffee cups at your local café.
6. Turn Down the Water Heater.
Water heaters are usually set to be at about 140 Degrees Fahrenheit, which is too hot to even enjoy. Try turning the temperature down by twenty degrees and use less energy to reach a lower temperature.
7. Embrace Plants.
Indoor plants not only spruce up an interior space, but they also help remove carbon dioxide and increase oxygen levels, while some plants can even help filter out toxins and air pollutants. Consider adding a plant to your living space to help increase air quality or, plant herbs so you don’t have to buy them (and their usual packaging) from the supermarket.
8. Switch to a Smart Thermostat
Smart thermostats are more simple to install than their name may imply, plus, you can control them from your phone, from anywhere in the world. Turn the heater on an hour before you leave work as opposed to having it stay on all day and in warmer months, save worry about forgetting to turn off the air conditioning. Smart thermostats like Nest, even have an eco setting that automatically raise and lower temperatures in the house when you leave and return, allowing you achieve your perfect temperature while saving both money and energy.